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Design Setup

Create a Vertical Design Drawing
Connect to Project Data

Set Design Markers

Create Flow Labels (optional)

Create Constraints (optional)

Create Pad (Source) Polylines
Create Basin (Source) Polylines


Create a Vertical Design Drawing

The Vertical Design Drawing is meant to a be a type of control file for all vertical elements of the project design. Its configuration should support efforts to establish or modify the vertical component of the project design. Changes in this particular drawing will affect output everywhere vertical information is displayed in the entire project.




  1. Create a new drawing

  2. Save the drawing with an appropriate name in the project folder


The drawing is now ready to be configured for vertical design using both Civil 3D & ASE Civil together.




Connect to Project Data

Select drawings and data prepared in advance should now be referenced into the vertical design drawing. They will serve as independent elements of the project that provide baseline data from which the new design will be calculated.


ASE & Civil 3D
  • Set ASE Project Data Path

  • Reference Civil 3D Project Data





  • Reference Existing Topography

  • Reference Site Layout











Set Design Markers

Design Markers must be set throughout the pavement corridors of the site to establish the primary grading element for the site design.




  1. Set Markers automatically on all corridor components via [vrt Ctl] > [Markers] > [Auto-Set] (Menu)

  2. Add Markers individually as-needed via [vrt Ctl] > [Markers] > [Set] (Menu)




Create Flow Labels

Flow Labels will display the current grade, slope or elevation difference between any two design Markers along a linear or a curved path.






Create Constraints

Maintain the vertical separation between any two selected Design Markers by establishing a permanent relationship between them with a Constraint.






Create Pad (Source) Polylines

If lots will be graded using ASE Civil's Pads, then this design setup phase would be an opportune time to create the Light-weight Polylines that will be used to define Pad objects in ASE Civil.




  1. Create and/or set a layer that will be used to draw the Pad outlines using AutoCAD "LWPOLYLINE" objects.

  2. Manually draw the Polylines within the property limits and easements of each lot.


Pad definition will occur during (or after) the "Vertical design" phase





Create Basin (Source) Polylines

IASE Civil's Basin feature will automatically manage select elements of retention/detention basins in direct response to changes in the vertical design data.


As with ASE Pads, if you choose to apply this feature to your subdivision design, this "Design Setup" phase would be a great time to place those using any desired method to draw or insert AutoCAD "LWPOLYLINE" objects, exactly as prescribed for creating ASE Pad limits.




  1. Create and/or set a layer that will be used to draw the basin limits using AutoCAD "LWPOLYLINE" objects.

  2. Manually draw the Polylines within the property limits and easements of each designated drainage retentionarea.


ASE Basin definition will occur during the "Vertical design" phase.





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