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ASE Civil Installation


Follow the step-by-step directions below for download, installation, configuration, loading and implementation of ASE Civil 2017.



Contact support for assistance as-needed.



System Requirements


Computer Configuration

  • Microsoft Windows operating system

  • 120 MB (0.12 GB) free hard disk space


Software Installed

  • Autodesk AutoCAD or Civil 3D version 2010 or later installed (no reboot required)



System Req'ts.

Download ASE Civil


WinZip Installer
  1. Download the WinZip self-extractor. [6] 

  2. Save the "Installer" to your local computer system






[6] Windows may attempt to block access to this download. Provide the necessary permissions to continue the installation process.

     The "Installer" contains the full ASE Civil application. A client license is not included.


Download ASE

File Extraction

Copy ASE Civil Files to Your Computer System
  1. Locate "Installer"

  2. Right-click "Installer"

  3. Select "Run as Administrator" [5]

  4. Accept defaults in the WinZIP© Self-Extractor

  5. Ensure that "Overwrite files without prompting" is checked ON

  6. Click "Run WinZip" to begin extraction

  7. Click "OK" when finished






[5]  Running the "Installer" without administrator privileges will usually cause installation failure



If Updating ASE Civil:
New Installation:
File Extraction




These configuration procedures are only necessary after initial installation of ASE Civil.

If you are updating an existing installation, proceed to Service Pack



Support Paths
  1. Start Civil 3D.

  2. Type "OPTIONS" at the command prompt.

  3. Expand "Support File Search Path" node.

  4. Add the following paths: [1]

    • C:\Program Files\AseCivil17\dwg

    • C:\Program Files\AseCivil17\img [2]

    • C:\Program Files\AseCivil17\supt

  5. ​Continue to ​"Permissions"



Perform these steps before loading the ASE executable in the "Startup Suite"​


  1. Expand "Trusted Locations" node

  2. Add the following paths:

    • C:\Program Files\AseCivil17\exe

    • C:\Program Files\AseCivil17\supt

  3. ​Continue to "Startup Suite: Auto-Loading ASE"

Startup Suite: Auto-Loading ASE

ASE Civil is NOT ready to run until a drawing is opened or created. After initial configuration, the current drawing must be closed and reopened to auto-load ASE. [3]


  1. Type "APPLOAD" at the AutoCAD command prompt

  2. Click "Browse…" in the "Load/Unload Applications" dialog

  3. Click "Add…" in the "Startup Suite"

  4. Browse to & select "C:\Program Files\AseCivil17\exe\aseCivil17.vlx"

  5. Close all dialogs



Manual Loading of the ASE Executable

To load the ASE executable in the current drawing or if ASE failed to load on its own:


  1. Using a file browser, locate the ASE Civil executable "C:\Program Files\AseCivil17\exe\AseCivil17.vlx"

  2. Drag-and-drop the executable into the AutoCAD drawing editor window.


The ASE Civil application will load and is ready for initialization.








[1]  If necessary, click the "Move Up" button so the selected ASE paths are at a level sufficient to ensure they are recognized by AutoCAD.

[2]  If the ASE command icons are not displayed as normal, colored images, adjust the position of the support path to a higher level in the list

[3] More about loading ASE Civil



Service Pack


If a Service Pack is available from this website, ASE developers highly recommend installing it immediately after any full installation of ASE Civil.



Check Availability

If a Service Pack for the currently-published build of ASE is available, browse to the Service Pack page for directions on downloading and installing the Service Pack. After the Service Pack is installed, return here.





Service Pack

CUIX Loading


There are 2 recommended methods for loading the ASE menus:

  • "Menu Load/Unload" dialog

  • "Customize User Interface" (preferred)



Menu Load/Unload Dialog

Loading a CUIX via the drawing editor will display the tabs and panels that were previously-configured to be shown when added to an existing ribbon. If a different combination of tabs and/or panels & commands need to be displayed, invoke the AutoCAD Customize User Interface tool to make changes to the current workspace, change a different workspace or create a new one.


  1. Type "MENULOAD" (command prompt)

  2. Click "Browse..."

  3. Select "C:\Users\Public\AseCivil\aseCivil17.cuix"

  4. Click "Load" to add to the current workspace

  5. Close the dialog



Customize User Interface

Loading a CUIX via AutoCAD’s Customize User Interface provides options for both loading custom menus and for editing the arrangement and visibility of the available custom commands. This is accomplished through workspace customization.


Follow these directions to load ASE Civil’s CUIX using AutoCAD’s Customize User Interface:


  1. Type "CUI" (command prompt)

  2. Click "Load Partial Customization File"

  3. Select (click) "C:\Users\Public\AseCivil\aseCivil17.cuix"

  4. Edit a workspace to include ASE Civil

  5. Close the CUI editor



CUIX Loading

Complete Installation


At this stage, ASE Civil 2017 has been completely installed and configured or your installation has been updated to the latest version.



Use ASE on a Project

Continue your path to productivity by reviewing how ASE Civil will fit into your Project Work-Flow.



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License Installation

Go to "License" Page

For complete directions for acquiring, downloading & installing an ASE Civil license, browse to the "License" page. Return to this page after completing the license installation.




Complete Installation

License Installation
Complete Install

© 2002 - 2023. All rights reserved. ASE Civil is a registered trademark of ASE, LLC and its affiliates.

Your use of ASE Civil Design Software and related applications is subject to the terms of the Engineering Design Innovations, LLC Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)

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